This is somewhat a technical post to show current code statistics for iSedora 3 development progress. This is for the server application. User interface app for configuration and monitoring will be separate from the core server app.

Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Go                         532     70959    11562      7965    51432       8840
C                            1       431       99        16      316         69
Plain Text                   1        71        4         0       67          0
C Header                     1        46       19         0       27          0
Markdown                     1         3        1         0        2          0
Assembly                     3         0        0         0        0          0
Total                      539     71510    11685      7981    51844       8909
Estimated Cost to Develop $1,706,195
Estimated Schedule Effort 18.795838 months
Estimated People Required 10.752803

So far the code base is very healthy and development is going well with no major obstacles.

(The stats are generated using